I will always be in my 70's......
1970's that is!!
....Yeah Baby!...that was My Generation.
I was born into a black & white world ,a poster child for 1960's suburbia, coming of age in a post-psychedelic world of Disco balls, Dancing Queens and DayGlo.
What a time to be a teen with Dance Fever!
I recently came across one of those "you know your are from..." email list (which I usually ignore) that took me by surprise. It was "you know you were a girl in the 70's if..." The first line (repeated below) caught my eye and though many of the others did not apply to me, the memories came flooding back to me and I hope my list does the same for you.
So get out your bean bag chair, pour yourself a Fresca and be young again with me.......
The 70's is your generation if.....
- . . . you wore that rainbow shirt that was half-sleeves and the rainbow went up one sleeve, across your chest and down the other.
- . . . you owned a bicycle with a floral banana seat, handlebars as high as your head (with long ribbons and a basket. In the early 80's you moved onto the ever popular 10 speed. Gosh that seat hurt.
- . . . your started out on metal roller skates that go stretched & locked with a "key and then graduated to the "Professional" shoe skates (white) that laced up like granny boots
- . . . . while we're on skaters you had or desperately wanted a "Dorothy Hamill Do"
- . . . you wore psychedelic & paisley bell bottoms with midriff tops (and looked cute not trashy.
- . . .you caught lightening bugs, wore flip flops and played "red light, green light"
- . . .you carried a metal lunch box to school with a thermos inside. Inside the thermos was glass that broke the first time you dropped it(probably within the first two weeks)
- . . . your t.v. had knobs that clicked and rabbit ear antennas
- . . .Admit it......you thought Gopher from Love Boat was cute BUT not as cute as Davey Jones. You never missed an episode of The Monkeys. Hey..heyyyyyyyyy
- . . . you had rubber boots for rainy days (galoshes) that you pulled over your shoes, owned a smelly, rubber rain coat & tied a plastic triangle over your head.
- Later you had a " bubble umbrella and lace up granny boots....ohhhh...remember granny skirts, mood rings and chokers!?!
- . . . you wore snow suits,clip on mittens and wrapped your feet in plastic before putting on your snow boots
- .. . . you had either a "bowl cut" or a "pixie" because your Mom was sick of braiding your hair. How traumatic when people thought you were a boy.
- . . . your sleeping bag was a prized possession and you took it on sleepovers with the girls.
- ******you got your first period at a sleepover and were wearing white pants******** .....oh wait..that was me!
- . . . you owned several"ponchos" most crocheted by your mom (who was also into macramé planters) & wore toe socks with your clogs.

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