I'm Gran'mare and those two fabulous faces above are my grand-daughters.."The Girls"...Beanz & Bou and these pages are all about our days together. You see, I am privileged enough to spend more time than the average G'mom with "The Girls" (2 in '08).
We have a funtabulous time together and hope you enjoy visiting us. Hopefully along the way you'll laugh a little, cry a little and learn a few things from a well seasoned G'mom & mother of 3.
I had hoped to start this shortly after their arrival mostly as a journal for myself but............
I will backtrack (as memory allows) to the beginning when Aunt Tissa & I hovered over Mama Baby and together we heard their heartbeats for the very first time...talk about slap happy!

is a BBC site filled with kid friendly recipes, activities,crafts & more to educate & entertain young children (up to age 6 or 7). Along with games, stories, printables & songs there is a radio station & an area to "watch & Learn". At CBeebies your children will not only be introduced to lots of fun, new characters......

....but will also find many of the favorites here too....Clifford, Bob the Builder, Pinkie Dinkie Doo, Jakers, Lazy Town & Charlie & Lola.
Encourage your child to try new foods & learn basic kitchen skills with a plethora of fun, kid friendly food...
******the recipes are in the "Make & Do" catagory.

Send your child a personal birthday video
(it's free...just add their name).
Kids love mail (..ummm..email).
This site isn't just for the kiddies....there is a grown-up chat area, information on creative & mathematical development, literacy & language and special needs.
Check them out and be sure to sign up for the newsletter.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CBeebies
Go beyond the chain bookstores & broaden your children's horizons with a bounty of books from around the globe without ever leaving the comforts of home. The "International Children's Digital Library" is a free site containing 3,600 books from 60 countries & in 48 languages.
What's that?...your child can't read Croation?....
No problem. Many of the books have been translated. You can pick your preferred language, view in original language or just flip through & look at the illustrations.
Finding the perfect book couldn't be easier. The categories are quite extensive..age, length of story, genre, picture books or chapter, happy or sad, plays, comics or all books with blue covers.
Registration is not required however membership allows you to create a reading list and saves the page so you can read at your leisure.
Get each of your children their own "Virtual Library Card" with no worries of lost books becoming overdue.