I'm Gran'mare and those two fabulous faces above are my grand-daughters.."The Girls"...Beanz & Bou and these pages are all about our days together. You see, I am privileged enough to spend more time than the average G'mom with "The Girls" (2 in '08).
We have a funtabulous time together and hope you enjoy visiting us. Hopefully along the way you'll laugh a little, cry a little and learn a few things from a well seasoned G'mom & mother of 3.
I had hoped to start this shortly after their arrival mostly as a journal for myself but............
I will backtrack (as memory allows) to the beginning when Aunt Tissa & I hovered over Mama Baby and together we heard their heartbeats for the very first time...talk about slap happy!
Concerned about fitness in my middle 40s, I enrolled in an aerobics class.
To my dismay I walked into a room filled with much younger women and decided
to combat my nervousness with humor.
'I'm here to do my postnatal exercises.'
The instructor gave me an appraising look. 'How old is your baby?'
'Twenty-six, ' I replied."

....and I thought Gran'mare had a big heiny......